mgoren / megaband

Megaband registration website

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Registration site

Simple registration / admissions sales site for contra dance events. React app that uses Firebase for database, hosting, and serverless functions back-end.


Setup accounts and CLI tools:

  • Create Firebase account if needed
  • Create GitHub account if needed
  • Install node if needed
  • Install GitHub CLI
  • Install Firebase CLI
  • Install Google Cloud CLI
  • Install Google Cloud CLI beta components: gcloud components install beta
  • Login to the Firebase CLI: firebase login

Copy template project

  • ME: cp -R [TEMPLATE_DIR] [DESTINATION_DIR] && cd [DESTINATION_DIR] && gh repo create [NAME] --private --source=. --remote=upstream
  • ANYONE ELSE: Fork template project and clone it to a local directory

Erase settings from old project:


Set configuration options:

  • Update site title in public/index.html
  • Update values in src/config.js
  • Update favicon (can use this site to generate them)
  • Copy desired logo to public/logo.png and set to desired height (likely <= 80px)

Create a Firebase project, which will also create a Google Cloud project with the same PROJECT_ID:

firebase projects:create [PROJECT_ID]
firebase init database --project [PROJECT_ID] # accept defaults, don't overwrite dataabase rules
firebase deploy --only database

Enable billing on Google Cloud account from the Google Cloud console

(Unlikely to actually owe any money for small scale use, but set a billing alert to be safe.)

  1. Setup OAuth consent screen
  • user type: internal
  • values for other fields don't really matter
  • not necessary to add any scopes

Link new project to Google Cloud billing account:

gcloud billing accounts list
gcloud billing projects link [PROJECT_ID] --billing-account [BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]

Create Firebase web app and add config to .env

  • From Firebase console, click "Add app" and choose the web one
  • Get Firebase web app config values
firebase apps:sdkconfig web
  • Add those values to .env file

Create a token for pseudo-auth to onCall Firebase functions

  • generate a long random string as your token (avoid symbols)
  • set your token as the value for REACT_APP_TOKEN in .env
  • firebase functions:config:set shared.token="INSERT_TOKEN_HERE"

Setup Stripe or PayPal:

Stripe configuration:

  • On Stripe console, disable all payment methods except Cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay
  • Copy the publishable key to the .env file. (Use test key until ready to launch.)
  • firebase functions:config:set stripe.secret_key="YOUR_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY"

PayPal configuration:

  • Don't want to accept Venmo? Comment out the venmo line in config.js.
  • Copy the client ID to the .env file. Ignore the secret key. (Use sandbox mode key until ready to launch.)
  • Comment out the lines related to Stripe in functions/index.js

IF COLLECTING ADDRESSES: setup Google Places API for address autocomplete

  • Update allowed-referrers list in google-places-api-flags.yaml file.
gcloud services enable --project [PROJECT_ID]
gcloud services enable --project [PROJECT_ID]
gcloud beta services api-keys create --flags-file=google-places-api-flags.yaml --project [PROJECT_ID]
  • Copy keyString value to REACT_APP_GOOGLE_PLACES_API_KEY in .env.


  • Register site with recaptcha
  • label: [doesn't really matter]
  • reCAPTCHA type: v2 not a robot challege
  • Domains: localhost, [PROJECT_ID], EXAMPLE.COM (obviously replace with actual domain)
  • Google Cloud Platform: associate with this google cloud project
  • Copy site key value to REACT_APP_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY in .env.

Copy .env file values over to GitHub Secrets for workflow use:


Add Firebase Service Account as GitHub Secret:

firebase init hosting:github # answer no to questions, as this is already configured
rm .github/workflows/firebase-hosting-pull-request.yml
  • Update firebaseServiceAccount value in .github/workflows/firebase-hosting-merge.yml to name of GitHub secret set by previous step.

Setup Google Sheets integration:

Setup spreadsheet for recording orders:

  • Make a copy of the template spreadsheet.
  • Update fields/columns as needed in spreadsheet and in functions/fields.js.
  • Determine your spreadsheet ID - the long string of characters (likely between /d/ and /edit)

Enable Sheets API, create Google Cloud service account, save keys to firebase function config:

gcloud services enable --project [PROJECT_ID]
gcloud iam service-accounts create sheets --project [PROJECT_ID]
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create tmp.json --iam-account sheets@[PROJECT_ID]
firebase functions:config:set sheets.googleapi_service_account="$(cat tmp.json)"
firebase functions:config:set sheets.payment_id_column="[PAYMENT_ID_COLUMN_LETTER]" # e.g. AA
firebase functions:config:set sheets.sheet_id="YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID"
rm tmp.json
  • Give spreadsheet edit permissions to the service account email: sheets@[PROJECT_ID]

Setup Email Confirmation:

Create a Sendgrid API key, configure firebase functions with that and from/reply/subject settings:

firebase functions:config:set email.sendgrid_api_key="SENDGRID_API_KEY"
firebase functions:config:set email.from='"Example" <>' email.subject='Example Contra Dance Registration'
firebase functions:config:set email.reply_to='' # only if needed

Deploy Firebase Functions:

cd functions && npm install && cd ..
firebase deploy --only functions

Add error logging for Firebase functions:

Setup logs for appendrecordtospreadsheet Firebase function to notify on severity=(ERROR OR INFO):

  • Do this two-line query:
(resource.type="cloud_function" resource.labels.function_name=("appendrecordtospreadsheet") resource.labels.region="us-central1") OR (resource.type="cloud_run_revision" resource.labels.service_name=("appendrecordtospreadsheet") resource.labels.location="us-central1")
severity=(ERROR OR INFO)
  • then click on "Create alert"


  • Ensure .env is filled in with environment variables
npm install
npm start

Deployment via GitHub workflow and Firebase hosting

  • Ensure all environment variables are set as repo secrets
  • Ensure all environment variables are listed in .github/workflows/firebase-hosting-merge.yml, including firebaseServiceAccount
  • If update Github secrets, must redeploy


Megaband registration website


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