mgalgs / gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet

Display system informations in gnome shell status bar, such as memory usage, cpu usage, network rates…

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[Feature Request] Gnome 45 update

gilvbp opened this issue · comments

Hi, could you update the G45 version?



Could I open a PR for this issue?


@mgalgs, could you help me? I already have ported most part of the code, but I'm stuck on this problem:



Vou dar uma olhada amanhã! After a quick perusal one thing I'd request is to change your approach for refactoring in b8fe462 so that it's more easily reviewable... For example, rather than pulling the definitions for enable() and disable() into the new extension class, you could just leave them alone (maybe rename them to something like extension_{enable,disable}) and call those global functions from the class methods. Or maybe if you just define the class at the bottom of the file so that the diff between enable/disable and the new class enable/disable methods is cleaner. As of right now it's extremely hard to tell if anything changed in those functions.

Also, could you explain why you've removed the support for previous versions of Gnome? Distros with slow releasing should still be able to use the latest version of the extension imho. btw, it's a good idea to explain in a commit message why you've done what you've done in a commit. Thanks for the contribution. I'm not yet across why the changes are necessary, but just a heads up that it was very difficult to review, so I could only give a cursory look.

Also, could you explain why you've removed the support for previous versions of Gnome?

Looks like that's how the Gnome devs are expecting it to work:


So I guess we'll have to create a new branch for legacy shell versions (in case fixes/updates still need to happen there) and update the uploader Github action accordingly...

btw, it's a good idea to explain in a commit message why you've done what you've done in a commit. Thanks for the contribution.

Agreed. @gilvbp would be nice if you could flesh out the commit messages a bit more. Links to the docs explaining why each change is necessary, etc.

So I guess we'll have to create a new branch for legacy shell versions (in case fixes/updates still need to happen there) and update the uploader Github action accordingly...

Wow, that's pretty sad that that's the official instructions. I think it'd be worth investigating if it can be wrapped in a conditional like with the other backwards compatibility stuff the extension has. Or some other method of having only one copy of the source.

Fedora 39 is going to ship with GNOME 45, so it'd be nice if we could get GNOME 45 support before the final freeze date (Oct 3rd). Thanks for working on this, even if you can't make it in time to include in Fedora 39 release. We can always ship an update later.

Yeah, I think I'd like to re-work this PR to only include the minimal changes to comply with the new requirements for extensions on Gnome 45. I'll see if I can find time this week unless someone else beats me to it!

any progress on this?

Ubuntu 23.10 was released yesterday, also with Gnome 45...

Running Fedora 39 (Beta) here, happy to test if needed.

Sorry, I got swamped with work but hoping to have some time next week. Help testing would be great.

I can test it out. Arch upgraded GNOME to 45 already and all extensions stopped working.

Happy to do some tests if needed

also happy to help in the porting process or with some errors that might occur, just ported some other extensions to gnome 45, so I could help with some things if needed

I am now also on gnome 45, but unfortunately have no experience to debug gnome extensions.

@gilvbp what about your branch?
@Totto16 maybe you can help there

Yes I certainly could, I saw in this thread, that some ports already exist, or am I wrong about that? I look around, and maybe we should make a PR, that is the best port so far... 🤔

Is anyone here able to successfully restart their Gnome Shell session under GS 45 using Alt-F2 r? I've tried on three different distros (Fedora 39 beta, Ubuntu 23.10, and Arch Linux) under GS 45 and they all crash and give me the "Oh no! Something has gone wrong." unhappy computer... I have to leave extensions enabled overall (using the gnome shell extensions app) to reproduce the crash. If I disable extensions support the crash goes away. But if I enable extensions support, even if I've disabled all individual extensions, then it crashes when I try to do a r. This is making it difficult to do development, obviously...

I'm hoping this is just something with my setup, but seeing as how it's affecting 3 different distros (including fresh installs of Fedora 39 beta and Ubuntu 23.10), I've filed a Bug report filed with Gnome Shell:

You can debug extensions without restarting your current session: see here


dbus-run-session -- gnome-shell --nested --wayland

With that method I tested some extension, even if the normal reload (in x11 mode) crashed

@Totto16 do you know how to run Looking Glass inside the nested Gnome Shell session under Wayland? I'm trying to get better logs...


I used this approach, to see all logs:

(taken from here)

#!/bin/sh -e


dbus-run-session -- \
    gnome-shell --nested \

( I put this into a script)

With that you can grep / redirect output to a file and search there more easily

Looking Glass has to be started, which takes some time and effort, if you restart many times 😓

Thanks, @Totto16. With debug logs turned on, the nested session via Wayland actually makes for a pretty decent dev environment!

@ALL It ain't pretty, but I have something working... The preferences page in particular needs some massaging by someone who knows Adwaita programming (no close button at the moment -- lol). I've opened a PR (#39) for testing and code review. Please take a look when you get a chance!

Thanks, @Totto16. With debug logs turned on, the nested session via Wayland actually makes for a pretty decent dev environment!

@ALL It ain't pretty, but I have something working... The preferences page in particular needs some massaging by someone who knows Adwaita programming (no close button at the moment -- lol). I've opened a PR (#39) for testing and code review. Please take a look when you get a chance!

When I copy the files of PR#39, gnome does not detect the extension itself, so, I cannot check anything. Nothing in extensions or in the web local or in lg.

@koroki Did you follow the "Testing Instructions" section of the PR or do something else? Can you please share the full steps you took?

I think it is about a typo in the instructions, while creating the symbolic link the name must contain -next whereas is used in metadata.json in uuid,

ln -sv gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet/

it works properly using X11 in ubuntu 23.10.

Also verified bad window in Preferences due to Adwaita stuff like you said.

thank you

@althaser that was it! Thank you, and fixed.

@koroki Did you follow the "Testing Instructions" section of the PR or do something else? Can you please share the full steps you took?

The system-monitor-next was the problem, yes. I did not know about that the directory name and the information in the metadata should be the same.


For now, the extension works properly. I will come here if I found something wrong.

Thanks, @Totto16. With debug logs turned on, the nested session via Wayland actually makes for a pretty decent dev environment!

@ALL It ain't pretty, but I have something working... The preferences page in particular needs some massaging by someone who knows Adwaita programming (no close button at the moment -- lol). I've opened a PR (#39) for testing and code review. Please take a look when you get a chance!

Great work! It's all good.

good work, it basically works

but there are still display errors

the big arrows:

and the settings menu


Hey! Thanks for porting of the extension to Gnome 45. Right now, I can't enable the extension in Gnome:

$ pwd
$ git log | head -n1
commit e881d934d3d3ffd237f57e163239991c7a98c7d7
$ cd ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
$ ln -sv ~/Programming/gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet/
$ marxin@marxinbox:~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions> cat 
    "shell-version": ["45"],
    "uuid": "",
    "name": "system-monitor-next",
    "url": "",
    "description": "Display system information in GNOME Shell status bar, such as memory, CPU, disk and battery usages, network rates…\n\nThis fork of paradoxxxzero/gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet is for packaging purposes only. This extension is built and updated continuously with the upstream master branch, occasionally including patches that haven't yet merged upstream.\n\nThis is preferable for users on bleeding edge distributions that prefer not to wait for a stable release from the main repo. Of course, since we're releasing directly from master some instability is inevitable.\n\nIf you get an error after updating, try restarting Gnome Shell with Alt-F2 then 'r'.",
    "settings-schema":  "",
    "gettext-domain": "system-monitor",
    "version": -1


marxin@marxinbox:~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions> gnome-extensions enable
Extension “” does not exist

Any idea what can be wrong? Thanks.

@marxin check with:

$ journalctl -xe /usr/bin/gnome-shell -f

if you can see any messages related to this extension.

Cool, I've just renamed to in ~/Programming/gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet and it works now 🥳

Screenshot from 2023-10-18 15-33-04

I think it is about a typo in the instructions, while creating the symbolic link the name must contain -next whereas is used in metadata.json in uuid,

ln -sv gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet/

I had to do ln -s gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet/ gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet/ and then ln -s gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet/

Whoops, yeah the symlink/directory name mismatch didn't make it into the README. I've just now pushed a change to rename the directory, so the the README instructions actually work (no need name the symlink differently from the directory):

cd ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions
ln -sv /path/to/gnome-shell-system-monitor-applet/


Extension “” does not exist

It looks like Gnome Shell needs to be restarted for it to see the new symlink. I've updated the README accordingly.

All right, I think we're down to the following unresolved issues:

  • Battery isn't working, so has been disabled.
  • Preferences page is still a mess, though now it's at least navigable.

I think I'd like to ship it as is and tackle these as separate issues (I don't have any more time to spare on this this week). Please vote with a 👍 or 👎 reaction on this comment.

👍 = ship now
👎 = work out kinks

I'll check back later tonight and will push the release if that's what people prefer.

oh yeah, one more issue from @badsmoke:

the big arrows:

I'm unable to reproduce this... What do your settings look like? (I don't mean what does your settings page look like -- I know it looks like trash 😅 -- but what settings do you have changed from their defaults?)

Submitted to e.g.o for review. Thanks, everyone, for your help on this!