mfussenegger / nvim-dap

Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation for Neovim

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Configurable message prompts

askfiy opened this issue · comments

Problem Statement

I noticed that now whether I start debugging or continue debugging, it pops up the annoying notify popup.

Maybe we can use vim.api.nvim_echo to display these debug content, some important notifications can use notify.

It should be user configurable:

Similar to:

    informe_method = "notify | echo"

Well, it doesn't seem to be necessary, we can filter it through notify, and for the convenience of someone who asks the same question later, I will paste my solution here:

-- Define message warnings to ignore, usually from the LSP server
local ignore_message = {
        "exit code",
        "Invalid buffer",
        "textDocument/documentSymbol is not supported",
        "client has shut down after sending the message",

-- The following information will not be displayed using Notify, but using echo
local switch_notice_method = {
        "Reason: breakpoint",
        "Reason: step",


local notify = require("notify").setup()

vim.notify = setmetatable({}, {
    __call = function(self, msg, ...)
        for _, v in ipairs(ignore_message) do
            if msg:match(v) then

        for _, v in ipairs(switch_notice_method) do
            if msg:match(v) then
                vim.api.nvim_echo({ { msg, "MoreMsg" } }, false, {})

        return notify(msg, ...)
    __index = notify,

Are you sure this notification is generated by nvim-dap itself? Looks like it might origin from another extension?

I asked the same question in dap-ui and he told me that this is the information generated by dap.

Also, I use the nvim-notify plugin to pretty print all the information.