mfussenegger / nvim-dap

Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation for Neovim

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docs on `env` is not accurate

aimran-adroll opened this issue · comments

Debug adapter definition and debug configuration

I installed the go DAP via DAPInstall

I am trying to inject environmental variables. The doc says

    options?: {
      env?: {}          -- Set the environment variables for the command
      cwd?: string      -- Set the working directory for the command

I tried putting env underneath options and it did not work.

Instead, this is my configuration and it works just fine

dap.configurations.go = {
        type = "go",
        name = "app4",
        request = "launch",
        program = "${file}",
        args = {"foo.log"},
        env = {
            DB_PORT = "4599",

Might this be the case of stale documentation or did I just get lucky.

Thanks again for an awesome plugin

Debug adapter version


Steps to Reproduce

See my config vs whats in the docs

Expected Result

env variables should work

Actual Result

env variables do NOT work as described in the docs

The documented env option you linked is for environment variables that are used when starting the debug adapter. The env option in dap.configurations is used when starting the debugee (and whether that is supported depends on the debug adapter)

This is working as documented.