mfussenegger / nvim-dap-python

An extension for nvim-dap, providing default configurations for python and methods to debug individual test methods or classes.

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Breakpoints does not work

gohm44 opened this issue · comments


  • set some breakepoint lua require'dap'.toggle_breakpoint()
  • start debugging lua require'dap'.continue()

Observed behaviors:
Breaking points are ignored the program goes to the end without interrupting

My dap configuration:

local dap_python = require('dap-python')

local dap = require 'dap'

dap.adapters.c = {
    type = 'executable',
    attach = {pidProperty = "pid", pidSelect = "ask"},
    command = 'lldb-vscode', -- my binary was called 'lldb-vscode-11'
    name = "lldb"

dap.configurations.c = {
        name = "moje",
        type = 'c',
        request = 'launch',
        program = 'main',
        --[[ args = {
     '-c', 'echo getcompletion("vim.api.nvim_buf_", "lua")',
     '-c', 'qa!'
   }, ]]
        cwd = nil,
        environment = nil,
        externalConsole = false,
        MIMode = 'lldb'

-- show virtual text for current frame (recommended)
-- vim.g.dap_virtual_text = true
-- request variable values for all frames (experimental)
vim.g.dap_virtual_text = 'all frames'


C adapter working fine. And also I did try minimal configuration only with python but the effect is still the same.

Are you using python 3.9.3? That release broke ABI compatibility, see microsoft/debugpy#587

Yes. You are right I am using 3.9.3. So the solution is very simple. To use another version. Thanks!