mfussenegger / nvim-dap-python

An extension for nvim-dap, providing default configurations for python and methods to debug individual test methods or classes.

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Error message has no line breaks

MisterSincere opened this issue · comments


just set up your plugin and it was pretty easy. Now I have the problem that within a simple test program, where I just have an IndexError, the according error message goes right out of screen. Hence for example the stack trace is not readable.

Is there a configuration I can change for that? Is there a desired behavior for that?

It would be pretty nice to be able to read the error "inlined" in the code. Otherwise I just start the program normally and check the error message, which does not feel right.

If you're referring to the error of an exception breakpoint you can use the neovim diagnostic api to show the full message. E.g.: :lua vim.diagnostic.open_float()

If it's about repl output - there are open issues in nvim-dap, see: