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Allow an arbitrary number of entity properties to route placeholders mappings in metadatamaps

corentin-larose opened this issue · comments

Feature Request

New Feature yes
RFC yes
BC Break no


Let's say I have an applicant table, a skill table and a N:M relationship table to list applicant's skills.

Let's say I have a REST API with these routes:

Read applicants collection: /api/rest/v1/applicants^GET
Read applicant entity: /api/rest/v1/applicants/{id}^GET

Read skills collection: /api/rest/v1/skills^GET
Read skill entity: /api/rest/v1/skills/{id}^GET

Read an applicant's skills collection: /api/rest/v1/applicants/{applicant_id}/skills^GET
Read an applicant's skill entity: /api/rest/v1/applicants/{id0}/skills/{id1}^GET

For this last case, in my metadatamap, I can't use resource_identifier, route_identifier_placeholder options twice to map my entity properties to the route palceholder.

I propose o add the possibility of mapping an arbitrary number of entity properties to palceholders.

Settings would look like this in MetadataMap:

            'identifiers_to_placeholders_mapping' => [
                'applicant_id' => 'id0',
                'skill_id' => 'id1',
            '__class__' => RouteBasedResourceMetadata::class,
            'extractor' => ObjectPropertyHydrator::class,
            'resource_class' => ApplicantSkillEntity::class,
            'route' => '/api/rest/v1/applicants/{id0}/skills/{id1}^GET',

If the principle is accepted, I will add the unit tests and documentation to my commit.