MezbanS / Worldwide-Restaurant-Analysis-for-Zomato

Analyzed Zomato's restaurant data to reveal global insights, highlighting continent-wise restaurant counts, average costs, and ratings. Also, identified country-level cuisine counts to enhance Zomato's data-driven decision-making.

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Zomato, a global restaurant aggregation and meal delivery service, faced the challenge of harnessing its vast data to make data-driven decisions and enhance the dining experience for its users. In response, we embarked on the "Interactive Zomato Data Analysis in Power BI" project, aimed at providing comprehensive insights into the restaurant industry.

Key Objectives:

Global Restaurant Insights:

Our analysis revealed that the Asian continent boasts the highest number of restaurants, totaling an impressive 8,849 establishments. Further exploration pinpointed India as the global leader, contributing 8,652 restaurants to this remarkable count.

Average Cost Assessment:

In our quest for valuable insights, we identified that the Asian continent also carries the distinction of the highest average cost, with an average expenditure of $1,288.47 per meal.

Ratings Analysis:

While Asia leads in restaurant numbers, its average rating of 2.5 places it at the lower end of the scale. In contrast, the African continent claims the title for the highest average ratings, standing at an impressive 4.21. Within Africa, South Africa shines with an equivalent rating, leading the pack.

Cuisine Count Insights:

Delving into cuisine diversity, Asia takes the top spot again, offering an astounding 112 different cuisines. Zooming in on individual countries, India emerges as the leader with a rich assortment of 90 cuisines. However, the same exploration reveals that the South American continent, abbreviated as "SAM," lags in the global cuisine count.

Created Dashboard

Link to Interactive Dashboard

Data Model

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Restaurant Analysis

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Cuisine Analysis

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Aim of the Project:

The overarching aim of this project was to empower Zomato with a dynamic Power BI report capable of extracting invaluable insights from their extensive restaurant data, fueling well-informed decisions and service improvements.

Project Execution:

Data Integration: We seamlessly integrated data from multiple Excel files, each containing comprehensive restaurant details.

Data Transformation: Our meticulous approach included correcting and standardizing city names, eliminating redundant columns, and creating structured tables for restaurant names, addresses, and cuisines.

Dimension Table: To facilitate easy access to data, the Country-Code table was meticulously crafted to house unique and non-blank values.

DAX Utilization: This phase saw the implementation of DAX calculations, encompassing classification of rating colors, measures for restaurant count, average cost, average rating, and cuisine count.

Geographical Mapping: We introduced a "Continent" column in the Country Code table, adhering to the continent-country mapping convention.


The "Interactive Zomato Data Analysis in Power BI" project represents a transformative milestone for Zomato, offering a holistic view of their restaurant industry data. Insights into restaurant counts, costs, ratings, and cuisines across continents and countries empower Zomato to make strategic decisions and enhance their services.


Analyzed Zomato's restaurant data to reveal global insights, highlighting continent-wise restaurant counts, average costs, and ratings. Also, identified country-level cuisine counts to enhance Zomato's data-driven decision-making.