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Support `s/keys` key-groups in openapi spec

jimpil opened this issue · comments


I was under the impression that specs like the one below, didn't show correctly on the swagger-v2 schema because it doesn't support this kind of one-of semantics. I believe that openapi-v3 does support it, but unfortunately, the same thing happens - all the keys show up as required (i.e. with a red asterisk).

(s/keys :req-un [(or ::foo ::bar ::baz)])

Any thoughts?

Sorry, I should have mentioned that I am using the recently released 0.7.0-alpha1.

spec-tools isn't sophisticated enough to know how to convert that into json-schema.

See here:

Hi again.

I may be able to help on this after all - here is some initial (somewhat encouraging) info:

The whole thing seemed impossible when I first looked at it (several months back), but I've had two significant realisations since...

  1. First of all, I realised that the whole key-groups thing really only applies for a single case - and that is the outer OR, with potentially nesting ANDs - i.e. (or ::foo (and ::bar ::baz)). In other words, it is meaningless to have an outer AND (as that is already implied). This makes finding these (at the top-level) super easy.
  2. Secondly, I randomly stumbled upon this last week, and I immediately thought of this issue! This is basically the other piece of the puzzle - instead of emitting a flat {:required [...]}, reitit could emit an :allOf with (potentially) nested oneOfs. That's actually very easy to do in accept-spec 'clojure.spec.alpha/keys, but it does mean that impl/parse-keys needs to be re-worked to return either {:required [x]} (for the base case of non-group), or {:oneOf [x y z]} (for any top-level or groups). I guess what I'm trying to say is that impl/parse-keys is the main thing that needs to touched (any changes in accept-spec 'clojure.spec.alpha/keys should be very straight -forward - e.g. replacing :required with :allOf).

In any case, as I said I'll try to have a stub at this of not this week, then the following after it... 👍

Ok, so here is an attempt at discovering key-groups:

(defn- parse-required-with [f x]
  (if (seq? x) ;; key-group
    (let [k (condp = (first x) 
              'or  :oneOf ;; or :anyOf ?
              'and :allOf 
               (IllegalArgumentException. "unsupported key-group expression")))] 
      {k (mapv (partial parse-required-with f) (next x))})
    {:required [(f x)]}))

(def parse-req    (partial parse-required-with impl/qualified-name))
(def parse-req-un (partial parse-required-with name))

(parse-req-un '(or :foo (and :bar :baz))) ;; => {:oneOf [{:required ["foo"]} {:allOf [{:required ["bar"]} {:required ["baz"]}]}]}

You can get a list of those maps by simply mapping over the req(-un) vectors, and wrapping everything in top level {:allOf [...]}.
Leaving this here for future reference - as I said, I'll try to find some time to prepare a real PR sometime this coming week or the next...