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Top-level await does not seem to work in Meteor 3

alisnic opened this issue · comments

Given I have a file with the following contents:

import axios from "axios";

const getAndrei = async () => {
  const response = await axios.get('')

const Andrei = await getAndrei();

export default Andrei;

And then I import it:

import Andrei from './tla.js'

console.log('imported', Andrei)

Expected behaviour

json data from the response is logged

Actual behaviour

The output is imported { [Symbol(__esModule)]: true }.

In Meteor 2, everything works. Repo with repro - (do a npm start to see the log).


meteor-base@1.5.2-beta300.0             # Packages every Meteor app needs to have
mobile-experience@1.1.1-beta300.0       # Packages for a great mobile UX
mongo@2.0.0-beta300.0                   # The database Meteor supports right now
reactive-var@1.0.13-beta300.0            # Reactive variable for tracker

standard-minifier-css@1.9.3-beta300.0   # CSS minifier run for production mode
standard-minifier-js@3.0.0-beta300.0    # JS minifier run for production mode
es5-shim@4.8.1-beta300.0                # ECMAScript 5 compatibility for older browsers
ecmascript@0.16.8-beta300.0              # Enable ECMAScript2015+ syntax in app code
typescript@4.9.5-beta300.0              # Enable TypeScript syntax in .ts and .tsx modules
shell-server@0.6.0-beta300.0            # Server-side component of the `meteor shell` command
hot-module-replacement@0.5.4-beta300.0  # Update client in development without reloading the page

@zodern maybe you can shed some light here? what am I doing wrong?

hmm, we have a similar problem, with Meteor 3 beta 4


export const Roles = await getRolesCollection();
import {
} from './collections';
console.log('rolesModel', Roles);

Roles here is undefined.

Any update here?

New simpler repro repo:

The produced reified code for tla-file.js does NOT look correct. It differs from the example in the reify readme file since it is not marked as async: true

//                                                                                         //
// server/tla-file.js                                                                      //
//                                                                                         //
!module.wrapAsync(async function (module1, __reifyWaitForDeps__, __reify_async_result__) {
  "use strict";
  try {
      tlaValue: () => tlaValue,
      someFunction: () => someFunction
    let axios;"axios", {
      default(v) {
        axios = v;
    }, 0);
    if (__reifyWaitForDeps__()) (await __reifyWaitForDeps__())();
    const asyncMethod = async () => {
      return 4;
    console.log("before tla init");
    const tlaValue = await asyncMethod();
    console.log("after tla init");
    const someFunction = () => {
      return 7;
  } catch (_reifyError) {
    return __reify_async_result__(_reifyError);
}, {
  self: this,
  async: false

This is a bug in - it does not handle the case where the await is in the right hand side of a top level assignment, e.g.

const x = await functionCall();

I would rate this as a top level priority to fix for Meteor 3 does not have a separate issue list, so this is as good place as any to track the bug.

Add a top level await call in the imported file, e.g.

await 0;

anywhere in the file

Thanks to @zodern for the pointer to the reify code that needs fixing