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Meteor 3 beta.0: Throwing an error inside of a meteor method doesn't throw on the client

ToyboxZach opened this issue · comments

Found a breaking change from the upgrade to version 3 that doesn't seem like it was intentional:

On Server:

 throwAnError:function() {
    throw "Error";

On client:


On Meteor 2, this will correctly throw an error on the client that can be caught and handled, but on Meteor 3 it is returning a promise.

If you await the promise it will correctly throw, but this is a breaking change, and I am not sure if it was necessary?

If it was a necessary change, I think the types should be updated where if you don't have a callback it knows it is asynchronous and it needs to be called out in the change log

To catch all the times this should have been async I locally changed the types to:

    type NotFunc<T> = Exclude<T, Function>;
    function call<T>(name: string, ...args: [...any, (e: Meteor.Error, res: T) => any]): void;
    function call(name: string, ...args: [...any, NotFunc<any>]): Promise<any>;
    function call(name: string): Promise<any>;