metalsmith / permalinks

A Metalsmith plugin for permalinks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"µ" should not appear in a url

oupala opened this issue · comments

When a markdown document has a frontmatter whose title contains a µ character, the url of the document is base on this title and should not contain the µ character. This character should be stripped.

There should also be a lot of other characters that should be stripped from urls.

I believe this issue is invalid based on

That said, options for custom handling of non-ASCII characters might be useful.

I'm interested in knowing what are the allowed characters in an url.

Can you please point me the precise place in the document where it is explained?

Closing as permalinks allows removal through the slug option:

permalinks({ slug: { remove: /µ/ } , ...otherOptions })