metalsmith / permalinks

A Metalsmith plugin for permalinks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

handling non ascii chars when building file name

ainthek opened this issue · comments

How do you build file names ? what if the title contains non ascii ?
what about removing diacritics and mapping to ascii instead of - character ?
can we adjust this somewhere ?

var slug = require('slug-component'); and without any options to configure it.
Please provide option to change this logic. look at Haxo for inspiration they produce nice links from ž becomes z etc... No all of us come from ASCII part of world. Thanx a lot

This could help, I will try to implement PR, and allow user to change slug implementation by options: one of candidates is:
npm install transliteration
node -e "console.log(require('transliteration').slugify('žaba, ťava'));"

I think I'm handling the same issue with #64

Most are handled through slugify's charmap (, for other languages, a custom slug function can be added, or the charmap can be extended via the extend option