metalsmith / permalinks

A Metalsmith plugin for permalinks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Handle accents

kud opened this issue · comments

The url/folder removes all the accents and replaces them by "-".

Issue can be closed. test/index.js contains an example of how to achieve this by passing option slug: require('transliteration').slugify. @woodyrew is it not worth including this support in the plugin by default, given that 3 issues have been raised already & a PR been made (cf. #50 #63 #64) ?

@webketje We could but it would need to be a major release as this wouldn't be backwards compatible. This was the main reason for not switching before. The readme could be more clear if we didn't want to switch.

Actually, a newly added test revealed this issue has already been solved (at least for Western letters, not Chinese for example) with the additions in the charmap.json of slugify: