metalsmith / permalinks

A Metalsmith plugin for permalinks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Should expose custom pattern matching

milkmangames opened this issue · comments

The options do not currently expose the slug-component's option for changing the permalink pattern.

This makes it impossible to add common permalink conditions like changing say, "John's Metalsmith Guide" to "johns-metalsmith-guide" (currently this plugin would instead make it "john-s-metalsmith-guide".)

Or to handle other special characters mid-sentence, i.e., "Metalsmith, Node, and Javascript Are Great" currently becomes "metalsmith-node-javascript-are-great" instead of "metalsmith-node-and-javascript-are-great".

Best solution would be to make the match pattern used for slugs exposed to the options of the metalsmith-permalinks plugin, especially since its slug component already supports the feature.

I believe this has in the meantime been implemented, see e9edcbd