metalsmith / permalinks

A Metalsmith plugin for permalinks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

v2.5.0 broke the `slug` option

emmercm opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

Permalinks is ignoring a custom function given via the slug option.

To Reproduce

Given this config:

there is something going on with this code:


Lines 169 to 171 in c7a1436

if (Array.isArray(options.linksets)) {
options.linksets =

where the linksets end up using the default slugify function and not the provided one.

Expected behaviour

The custom slug function is called.




Should be OS and Node.js agnostic, but this appears on macOS and in Ubuntu CI, on Node.js 16.

Additional context

Nothing that I can think of.

Thx for reporting, I will fix this in a patch release ASAP.

@emmercm would you mind testing temporarily with npm i github:metalsmith/permalinks#bugfix/#135 and if you validate I can publish?
The problem with this plugin is that it has a lot of configuration matrices and some edge cases remain untested and it does so many things that it is a pain to maintain.
Its structure is not optimal, so in 3.0 I will make a distinction between "global" options & "linksets" (e.g. I think there is little use in having per-linkset "slug" or "trailingSlash" or "directoryIndex" options . The default linkset will be added to the end of the linksets array and will define a pattern :dirname/:basename (these vars will be made available by permalinks for the pattern option).

@webketje I agree with all of your thoughts there. I don't mind testing at all! But I'm going to be out of town this weekend and may not get a chance until later next week.

@emmercm any news on this?

I didn't realize npm was able to install from GitHub branches like that, that's awesome.

Looks like index.js wasn't committed, though:

Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module '.../www/node_modules/@metalsmith/permalinks/lib/index.js' imported from .../www/index.js

Ah sorry, I forgot there's a build step indeed (which is not versioned). Here's the built version:
(yes you can also npm install zips, download the pkg to your site's repo root and run npm install ./

I'm pretty sure that branch did the trick @webketje , it looks to be using my slug function again. Thank you for the fast turnaround!