metakirby5 / codi.vim

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: The interactive scratchpad for hackers.

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bash support?

qiufeihai opened this issue · comments

bash support?

There is no intention to add built-in support for bash for the following reasons:

  • Many users like to customize their prompt, and prompts even vary across linux distributions. Codi is reliant on regex matching the prompt to detect the next line of output, so the implementation will likely only work on a small subset of machines at any given time.
  • Codi constantly evaluates your input. A command line shell is a dangerous thing to play with, and I don't want to be responsible for the person that accidentally types in rm -rf ~.

If you would like to have bash support yourself, please refer to the documentation for the g:codi#interpreters setting.

let g:codi#interpreters = {
\ 'bash': {
\ 'bin': ['bash'],
\ 'prompt': '^(>|...+) ',
\ }


let g:codi#raw=1

but not working , input is empty