metagesgashe / building-interactivity

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • FORK this repository onto your github

  • Copy the https URL from your forked repo

  • Navigate to Git Bash on your local machine and cd to the location you wish to clone this folder to (could be your desktop or another folder)

  • Once you have navigated to where you would like the folder to be, run git clone followed by the URL you copied from your forked copy of this github repository

  • Open VSCode, select File in the top left hand side of your screen, and select Open Folder

  • Find the folder you cloned named building-interactivity and open it, then begin working in the main.js file. Instructions are located in the main.js file.

  • You will work on this exercise individually however you may reach out to your peers in your breakout rooms for help if needed. Feel free to utilize Codecademy resources, W3Schools, and anything else you find on Google.

  • When you are finished with the activity, submit a pull request from your fork within your own repository.

  • It is ok if you do not finish this activity. This is meant to be for practice and you are free to work on this on your own time.


    Exercise #1
          Change the color of the text within the h1 with an id of #main-h1.
          1.  Select the button with an id of #change-text-color and save 
              it to a variable named changeColorButton.
          2.  Add a click event listener to the button with an id #change-text-color.
          3.  Add a function that will change the text color in the button to black.

    Exercise #2
          When user clicks on the change text color button the text in the button
          should change to "Hello World".
          1.  Select the button with an id of #change-text-color and save it to a
              variable named changeTextButton. 
          2.  Add a click event listener to the button with an id #change-text-color.
          3.  Add a function that will change the text in the button to "Hello World".

    Exercise #3
          When user clicks on the subscribe button, an alert box should pop up 
          with the message "Thank you for subscribing".
          1.  Select the button with an id of #subscribe-button and save it to a 
              variable named subscribeButton.
          2.  Add a click event that will display an alert box with the message 
              "Thank you for subscribing". 

    Exercise #4
          When user clicks each of the buttons on the card elements with class 
          name of .card-btn the button should disappear.
          1.  Select the buttons with a class name of .card-btn and save them to a 
              variable named cardButton.
          2.  Add a click event to each button that will trigger a function which will cause the 
              visibility property of the button clicked to be changed to hidden to black. You 
              should use some sort of loop to add the event listener to each button.

    Exercise #5
          When user enters text in the input field, if the letter "h" is entered in 
          the input field, display an alert box with the text from the input field. 
          1.  Select the input field with a class of .input-field and save it to a 
              variable named userInput.
          2.  Add a keyup event that checks the value of the user input. If value contains 
              the letter "h", display alert box. The .includes method may be usefull here. 

    Exercise #6
          When user moves mouse over the words "Subscribe To Our Newletter" the text color 
          should change to red. When user moves mouse away the text color should change back to white.
          1.  Select the h3 element and save it to a variable named newsletterHeader.
          2.  Add a mouseover event that will change the color of the text in the h3 element to red.
          3.  Add a mouseout event that will change the color of the text in the h3 element back to white.    

    Exercise #7
          When user clicks on the <Add div> button a new div element should be created 
          with a <p> tag containing some text.

          1.  Select the button with an id of #add-element and save it to a variable named addDiv.
          2.  Select the div container with an id of #add-element-section so that you are 
              able to append your new div to the page.
          3.  Add a click event to the addDiv button which will run a function creating a new div
               with a <p> tag containing some text.


Solution to Exercise #1 Below

Solution to Exercise #1

    const changeColorButton = document.getElementById("change-text-color");
    changeColorButton.addEventListener("click", () => { = "black";



Language:JavaScript 49.7%Language:HTML 26.8%Language:CSS 23.5%