mesutpiskin / face-detection-and-recognition

:hurtrealbad:C# Face detection and recognition with EmguCV. Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces and LBPH algorithms.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


mcferdev opened this issue · comments

Hello, thanks for your work.
I am trying to run to start making some tests...I got a problem on FaceList.txt because the file is not into your project. Can you explain what is the content ?

I plan using some facial detection with a App based on Xamarin forms. My intention is take a picture using the mobile phone and then, send the picture to the server, wich will detect who is that guy. But first of all, I am checking your code.

If you add a new face and run the application with admin privileges, the facelift.txt file is created from the application. If the facelift.txt file is not created from the application, manually add the facelist files to the face image folder.

I´ve created the file FaceList.txt ! But when the program try to read on the line faceInstance.FaceImage = new Image<Gray, byte>(Config.FacePhotosPath + lineParts[0] + Config.ImageFileExtension); , it gives a Exception "Invalid Parameter" because FaceImage is null, but I can keep running the program if I put inside of a try catch !
In the file FaceList.txt is writed "face1:marcelo" "face1:test1" and so on..... Is it correct ?

Then, after take the pictures, the program is not recognizing any face... just keep showing me "PLEASE ADD FACE". I also checked that on your video, when detecting any face, show a black and white image in the corner, but its not happening in my program.