mesosphere / mindthegap

Easily create and use bundles for air-gapped environments

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Registry flag should accept protocol

jonathanbeber opened this issue · comments

The push image-bundle command's flag --to-registry should accept http or https as a prefix.

Currently the command just fails with an unclear message:

mindthegap push image-bundle --image-bundle ./bundle.tar --to-registry --to-registry-ca-cert-file=registry/ca.crt
 ✓ Creating temporary directory
 ✓ Unarchiving image bundle "./bundle.tar" 
 ✓ Parsing image bundle config
 ✓ Starting temporary Docker registry
---skopeo stdout---:

---skopeo stderr---:
time="2022-11-01T21:09:20Z" level=fatal msg="not logged into"

error logging in to target registry: failed to check if already logged in to exit status 1

with --to-registry it works.