mesos / logstash

Logstash on Mesos

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Executors keep running after removing the framework

abhishekamralkar opened this issue · comments

I installed mesos/logstash in my DCOS cluster as marathon app with options like below

"JAVA_OPTS": "-Xmx256m -Dmesos.logstash.web.port=9092 -Dmesos.logstash.logstash.heap.size=256 -Dmesos.logstash.executor.heap.size=512 -Dmesos.zk=zk://master.mesos:2181 -Dmesos.logstash.volumes=/var/log/mesos"

but it never worked , we found issues like docker containers log files never get observed.

When we killed the app , logstash executor kept running and also we removed the logstash framework from zokeeper , logstash tasks kept running .

Thanks for reporting this issue @abhishekamralkar

@abhishekamralkar are you still experiencing this issue? The framework has changed substantially since this issue and I'm unsure whether we can reproduce it. Are there any more details we require?

@jhftrifork unfortunately I am not using mesos/logstash anymore , as currently its not able to send logs to Kafka topic , so I chhoosen to run vanilla logstash as marathon tasks and have them send logs to Kafka topic.

@abhishekamralkar okay, thanks. I'll close this one unless we get further reports of the same thing.