mesolitica / malaya

Natural Language Toolkit for Malaysian language,

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Cannot install malaya-graph

De4my opened this issue · comments

Hi sorry for disturbing, but I have an issue where I cannot install one of the packages called malaya-graph. It said that no matching distribution was found.


p/s: I already install malaya but it seems that the package is still not found
Hopefully I can use it because it was so cool to try out,Thanks

How do u installed it?

How do u installed it?

!pip install malaya

then I try to install malaya_graph using this code:
!pip install malaya_graph

Maksudnya saya tersilap install malaya ke?

Saya refer website ini:


Alhamdulilah saya rasa saya dah dapat atasi masalah ini abang Husein

1.!pip install malaya
2. import malaya.graph

malaya-graph no longer maintain, saya masukkan ke dalam malaya, akan release gabungan tersebut dalam versi 5.1