mermaid-js / mermaid

Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown

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UPN - Universal Process Notation

mantielero opened this issue · comments


  1. It is a very simple way to describe processes.
  2. I think it could be pretty similar to existing diagrams with some tailoring.
  3. There are not many alternatives to do this kind of diagrams. All of them paid options and not convenient.

There aren't many alternatives to describe processes. BPMN is one way to do it. But it is a huge specification. On the other hand, UPN is very simple.

I raised a similar proposal here: terrastruct/d2#1702

Use Cases

Easy way to describe processes.



For example something like:

process: [myProcess, Title for the process]
  - step:
    - ref: reqSupport
    - title: Request Support
    - by:
      - Customer
  - step:
    - ref:  resolveRequest
    - title: Resolve sales support request
    - by:
      - Sales
    - attachments:
      - [filename.pdf](files/filename.pdf)

  - step:
    - ref:  testIssue
    - title: Test Issue
    - by:
      - Test Team
    - link: detailedProcess
  - conn:
    - [reqSupport, resolveRequest]
    - Sales Issue

process: [detailedProcess, This is the detailed process for above's step]


This is a proposal which I'd love to see built into mermaid by the wonderful community.