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Mermaid Chart - Code Editor Constantly Reduces Upwards

chrisdunlopnz opened this issue · comments


The code editor just reduces in size. This happens no matter what device I am on, nor what chart and makes my new mermaid chart subscription hard to use.

Attached video

Steps to reproduce

Open mermaidchart
Open a new diagram
The code editor will eventually be minimised by the upwards scrolling.



Code Sample

No response


Mermaid Chart
Google Chrome

Suggested Solutions

No response

Additional Context

No response

Thank you so much for reporting. I'm surprised to see this happening now, as was fixed about a year back.
I guess there are edge cases we missed. I'm unable to reproduce the issue locally, I'll loop @dav1tj to see if he can break it.

@chrisdunlopnz Can you please provide the OS and Browser versions?

Future reference: is the right place for reporting Mermaid Chart issues

I'm unable to reproduce in Chrome Version 124.0.6367.119 (Official Build) (arm64) on macOS Ventura 13.6.6 (22G630) both in production and development.

@chrisdunlopnz can you please help isolate the issue?

Here are some steps

  1. Try in incognito
  2. Try in a different browser (Firefox/Safari/Brave).
  3. Try after starting chrome without extensions. Guide

I have added some fixes which might in theory help with the issue (I cannot verify as I'm unable to reproduce the issue).
We're also adding some extra debug statements so we can get additional information from your machine (will add info on how to send the info to us after release).

Both these should be included in today's release. Will update here once it's live.

Hi apologies for the late reply, but it has been fixed on all versions I have tested, thanks so much for the help