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Add support for nested namespaces

skillmaker-dev opened this issue · comments


I think it would be a great feature to have, nested namespaces make it easier to represent packages or namespaces in which classes reside, and it should be possible either by creating a namespace inside another namespace or by separating namespaces with a dot like this namespace example1.example2.example3 {}


for example in PlantUML, nested packages or namespaces can be represented like this package foo1.foo2.foo3 { class Object }


The previous example will be represented in this way in plantUML:

Hi, I just encountered the same problem. I also think that this item should be documented.

However, I have found a solution, although this behavior is unpredictable and not obvious to me.

So, I created 2 namespaces at the same level, and then I put the "children" as a class in the "main" one.
It looks something like this:


namespace presentation{
    class auth
    class main
namespace auth{
    class AuthScreen
    class AuthViewModel
namespace main{
    class MainScreen
    class MainViewModel

namespace presentation{
    class auth
    class main
namespace auth{
    class AuthScreen
    class AuthViewModel
namespace main{
    class MainScreen
    class MainViewModel

Hi, I just encountered the same problem. I also think that this item should be documented.

However, I have found a solution, although this behavior is unpredictable and not obvious to me.

So, I created 2 namespaces at the same level, and then I put the "children" as a class in the "main" one. It looks something like this:


namespace presentation{
    class auth
    class main
namespace auth{
    class AuthScreen
    class AuthViewModel
namespace main{
    class MainScreen
    class MainViewModel

namespace presentation{
    class auth
    class main
namespace auth{
    class AuthScreen
    class AuthViewModel
namespace main{
    class MainScreen
    class MainViewModel

That's a nice workaround, the namespace is behaving like a class and therefore it is being surrounded by the box and then you change it to be a namespace, I hope they create this feature, No one replied to this issue so far apart from you :(