mermaid-js / mermaid

Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown

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Unable to Style Sequence Diagram Title

MaxenceGui opened this issue · comments


When adding a title to a sequence diagram, I'm unable to modify the title font size. My current workaround is to use a Markdown title.

I have seen other graphs in Mermaid have attributes related to the title, like QuadrantChartConfig, but it is not yet available for the Sequence Diagram.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a Sequence Diagram
  2. Insert a title
  3. Add participant and interaction until the title gets very tiny



Code Sample

%% Would like to do
%%{init: {'title': 'fontSize': 40}}%%

title: Sequence Diagram for inference request 1.2.1

    actor Client
    participant Frontend
    participant Backend
    participant Blob storage
    participant Model


  • Mermaid version: On GitHub
  • Browser and Version: Edge

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