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wrong parameters while using match-v5 endpoint

Lyfhael opened this issue · comments


Here is code :

sum = Summoner(name="Danger", region="EUW").match_history


Here are the calls made :

Making call:
Making call:
Match(id=EUW1_5393916440, region='EUROPE')

The issue here is it returns only the 20 last games and no more. This is due to these two parameters ?beginIndex=0&endIndex=100 which are not valid anymore.
The ones used for match-v5 endpoint are ?start=0&count=50 (basically just need to rename the two parameters)

If I remember right, it also used to automatically fetch more games if we went over the list.
So let's say I grabbed the 20 first games. Then I do sum[25].id, it shouldn't throw an error but fetch the next 20 games. But now it throws an error

I've been going through this issue as well - hope there is a fix soon!