memfis19 / Cadar

Android solution which represents month and list calendar views.

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When adding event decorator, `OnEventClickListener` doesn't receive Event anymore

Diederikjh opened this issue · comments

I am playing around with the sample app, and added a OnEventClickListener object to the listCalendar member in the ListCalendarActivity.

When I just add the event click listener, the event always comes back as null.

If I remove the line listBuilder.setEventLayout(R.layout.custom_event_layout, eventDecoratorFactory); however, it seems to work again. Looks to me like the event decorator factory, doesn't save the event when binding the view.

Hi, I've just fixed it. Will be available in 1-2 hrs in version 0.2.2.

Will be available in 1-2 hrs via jCenter. Code is already available.

Cool, looks like this fixed it.