melvitax / DateHelper

A Swift Date extension helper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Redundant Info.plist file

SanjoDeundiak opened this issue · comments

When installing using pods workspace contains redundant Info.plist file in pod root folder. This blocks uploading build to AppStore (while simulator is still able to run app)

Just now i have the same problem shocked me also with so many errors during Appstore submission so i have removed the info.plist file which is outside the supporting file and problem solved for now.
#41 Similer

@hardikdevios Yes, but this solves problem till next 'pod update', or, if you use build server, you need to add hook with workaround, which is not good

Is there an update on this?

Fixed in latest release

Not fixed in 3.4.1. Found alternative dependency to use instead.

Maybe is a cache thing. The pod spec should include only the files in the AFDateHelper directory, and that directory now only has the 1 file.