melix / deck2pdf

Converts various HTML5 slide decks to PDF

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to install?

RacingTadpole opened this issue · comments


This looks great, but I'm stuck at the install step. I am using Mac OS and don't know any Java. How do I get ./gradlew distZip to do something?

Thanks, and sorry to ask such a basic question!

No worries, can you tell me what ./gradlew distZip returns? Do you have Java installed?

Hi, thanks - no, I don't think I've ever installed Java. ./gradlew gives No such file or directory.

Right, so I assume you don't have ``git` either. I will try to upload a pre-built version so that it makes things easier for you.

Thanks - I do have git though.

Right, so if you have git, please try this:

git clone
cd deck2pdf
./gradlew distZip

and let me know the outcome.

I just releaded v0.1. You can grab it from bintray:

Ah, of course! I somehow got it in my head that I had to type gradlew instead of git clone - of course I see the gradlew file there in the repo now - sorry to be so thick! All good now.