meliorence / react-native-image-gallery

Pure JavaScript image gallery component for iOS and Android with high-performance and native feeling in mind

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

initialPage doesn't seem to be working on Android

harryt2 opened this issue · comments

<Gallery style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: 'black' }} images={this.state.galleryImages} initialPage={this.state.index} />

It doesn't seem to work whatever way I try it. the index is a number and everything seems to be done properly. It always starts on the first image in the array though. My React version is 0.57

Same problem on Android! Please help, or offer solution for work around

same problem facing, is it resolved ?

will it be resolved nearly ?
is there a workaround ?

Hi guys, i have created PR for this bug, but looks like library isn't maintained any more, I am currently using this library so if I face any issue i will update it on my for repo.