melanke / Watch.JS

watch the changes of any object or attribute

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Implement new usage and not modifying Object.prototype

melanke opened this issue · comments

new usage:

watch(obj, function(prop, newval, oldval){


watch(obj, "prop", function(prop, newval, oldval){


watch(obj, ["prop1", "prop2"], function(prop, newval, oldval){


This is a good idea

David Crockford sleeps happier now.
Thank you for the awesome job =D


Lucca, WatchJS é brasileiro :D

Hehe, vi isso num pull request!
@Pickachu também é brasileiro :P
Curtimos demais essa lib, parabéns!

//lets get back to english haha