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How do I know when i have added sufficient notes for a bar using the Pattern Builder Class

seunyboyxu opened this issue · comments


Please read this first – – and correct the issue. Make short title and provide as many details as possible in the issue description.


hi max, it is more of a question than an issue, I just wasn't really sure how to ask

You didn't provide any details. Show some code and what do you want somewhere in that code.

So i have this class called FinalNote,
NoteName ranges from "A" to "G" including sharps
NoteDuration is in a double where for example 0.25 would represent a quarter note (1/4), like this dictionary i made


It is in a 2d List where each list represents a bar. And each bar has a list of FinalNote objects.
Here is a test example of what this 2d List will look like with a time signature as 4/4
where you should see the Final Note objects generated

I want to put my note data into a midi file bar by bar, but I am unsure how to do that since I can't find many guides about how PatternBuilder works.

I currently have this, ignore the ChordSequence parameter, since i want to do the exact same thing with chords but i want to deal with the notes first


Thank you, let me know if you need any more information

Thank you very much for explanation, that's what I wanted :) Please answer following questions:

  1. You have collection (bars) where each item is a collection of notes, right?
  2. Each bar is complete, right? Or is it possible that, for example, bar with signature of 4/4 will have 3 quarter notes?
  3. Each note has length as a fraction of the whole note, right?
  4. Notes should be written in a file without gaps between them, right?
  1. Yes,
  2. Each bar is complete
  3. yes
  4. yes

Well, in this case your task is supereasy, we even don't need to know where bars borders are. I'll provide you a solution a bit later. Right now I have one more question: what is the octave of notes? Every note in MIDI is a number which represents letter+octave. We can't write just note's name in a MIDI file.

I want it to default to octave number 4.
I am looking into making my program intelligently switch between octaves.

do you need to see any other parts of the program to help you?

No, I have all required info now, thanks.

I suppose something like that should work:

public MidiFile MidiMaker100(
    List<List<FinalNote>> notesByBars,
    int octave,
    int bpm,
    string timeSignatureString)
    var patternBuilder = new PatternBuilder();

    foreach (var barNotes in notesByBars)
        foreach (var note in barNotes)

    var tempo = Tempo.FromBeatsPerMinute(bpm);

    var numer = ...
    var denom = ...
    var timeSignature = new TimeSignature(numer, denom);

    var tempoMap = TempoMap.Create(tempo, timeSignature);

    return patternBuilder.Build().ToFile(tempoMap);

Calculate numer and denom by yourself please. But your way is obviously wrong. Please read official documentation how Substring with single argument works.

I've also added octave parameter so just pass what you want there.

Also please always paste you code as text with triple backticks syntax, not as screenshots. It forces me to write your code instead of just copying and pasting. Please learn GitHub Markdown syntax.

Hi, sorry I will learn this.
This all works but how do I add the pattern to a new MidiFile object as a track chunk because I also want to add chords to the same MidiFile object?

DryWetMIDI has complete documentation, use it please –

So, if you start from PatternBuilder, you'll find its Build method, which returns Pattern object which has ToTrackChunk method. And thus you need to use following code:

var notesTrackChunk = notesPatternBuilder.Build().ToTrackChunk(tempoMap);
var chordsTrackChunk = chordsPatternBuilder.Build().ToTrackChunk(tempoMap);

var midiFile = new MidiFile(notesTrackChunk, chordsTrackChunk);

return midiFile;

Thank you, I think this has solved my problem.
I may need help for something else soon, if I end up struggling with it.
Hopefully by then I'll be able to ask questions properly on github