meiMingle / icon-font-viewer

A plugin for displaying the svg icons and unicode of trueType (.ttf) file that usually containing icon glyphs. 一个用来展示trueType(.ttf)文件中的SVG图标和unicode码点的插件

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Icon Font Viewer

A plugin for displaying the svg icons and unicode of trueType (.ttf) file that usually containing icon glyphs.



img.png img.png


  • It is available in Jetbrains Marketplace now, click hyperlink to get it, or search in your Intellij IDE - preferences(Settings) - plugins - marketplace by 'icon font viewer' to install.
  • 此插件已上架Jetbrains插件商城,前往 Jetbrains Marketplace 下载, 或者打开你的Intellij IDE系软件 - preferences(Settings) - plugins - marketplace 搜索 'icon font viewer' 安装.


  • open .ttf file to view.
  • 打开.ttf文件查看.


A plugin for displaying the svg icons and unicode of trueType (.ttf) file that usually containing icon glyphs. 一个用来展示trueType(.ttf)文件中的SVG图标和unicode码点的插件

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 97.0%Language:Kotlin 1.9%Language:HTML 1.1%