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Feeding Hands


Short description

Poverty is a major issue, which needs to be addressed Globally. Wastage of food is increasing day by day in Hotels, Eateries, Mess , gatherings, so instead of throwing it we can make it usable . Citing this problem, we have developed a platform to connect NGOs, farmers and owners at one simple point. We will categorize the food into two categories , Consumable and Non consumable . Consumable food can be used by different NGO's to feed the hungry, poverty stricken families,which will be healthy enough for normal consumption. The Non Consumable food can be used to on farmlands, both as cattle feed or manure (composting).

What's the problem?

World hunger has been a constant problem throughout the ages.It is a problem that should be able to be solved easily, yet current estimates are that nearly 690 million people are hungry, up by 10 million people in one year and by nearly 60 million in five years. Owing to its importance, the United Nations has added "Zero Hunger" as the sustainable development goal to improve the lives and prospects of everyone and everywhere. Wastage of food is increasing day by day in Hotels, eateries, messes, and gatherings, so instead of throwing it away, we can make it usable.

How can technology help?

Citing this, we have developed a platform to connect NGOs, farmers, and owners at one destination, where the owners would update about the available food and the receiving actors would correspondingly reply, as it is feasible for them. The details and availability of the food leftover will be uploaded by mess owners or restaurant owners. Further, food will be categorized into two categories by owners - Consumable and Non-consumable. Thus, develop a distributing network.

The idea

It's vital to eradicate hunger and provide resources for cattle feeding. The system can create a distribution network among the actors generating food leftover and food-consuming actors. It provides an open platform by using technologies such as Nodejs for backend, IBM Cloud for Database.

Demo video

The architecture

Food Arch

  1. If there is extra food in the hostel/hotel/gathering and want to make it usable then the owner can authenticate
  2. The owner has to create a card that contains detailed information about food and address.
  3. Ngo’s, farmland, needy persons can visit this website and search for consumable and non-consumable food according to their need.
  4. Further, they will contact the owners once their requirements are satisfied. The food delivery process depends on the owner and buyer.

Long description

Feeding Hands

Food wastage is a situation which happens at stages right from production stage to consumption stage. In the consumption stage, where food is consumed at household levels, many times leftover food is an alarming issue. Globally, food waste is a major sustainability problem.89.2 million people are undernourished in India. By this measure, 14% of the population is undernourished in India. World hunger has been a constant problem throughout the ages. Indian weddings or huge gatherings or family functions or restaurants often generate food leftovers and thus, generating FOOD WASTE. As most of us live in the hostel we daily see that there are many students who leave their food in the dish and it is just a waste, many of them sometimes avoid eating in mess without informing the owner so their meal of mess gets wasted. each hostel and mess wasted approximately 60-100 kg of food every day which means that an estimated 300 to 400 tonnes of food being wasted annually at campus. The waste generated is then dumped in improper ways which create a burden on landfills. Such wastage of food creates a lack of food supply in the supply chain. Also, it contributes to land pollution and air pollution. Owing to its importance, the United Nations has added "Zero Hunger" as the sustainable development goal to improve the lives and prospects of everyone and everywhere.

Section 1

The platform provides a facility for the actors, who have surplus food, to upload the details regarding the same. Further, the surplus will be categorized as Edible and Non Edible by the actors.

Section 2

The actors, who are in need of excess food, such as NGOs or farmers, will search or will be notified about tickets generated in their vicinity, according to their need.

  • Consumable food, which would be healthy enough for normal consumption, can be used by NGOs to feed the hungry, poverty-stricken families or cattles. Consumable food:The edible surplus food, which is healthy enough for human consumption, can be issued by NGO's to distribute to thr underprivileged and hungry people.
  • The Non Consumable food can be used on farmlands and organic nurseries, as cattle feed or manure in composting. Nonconsumable food:The nonedible surplus food can be processed by methods such as composting and anaerobic digestion. Composting produces compost for local agriculture, parks, and forestry, while anaerobic digestion produces renewable fuel.

Section 3

The interested entities will contact the owners, if their requirements are fulfilled. Further, they will issue the Food, and distribute them accordingly.

Project roadmap

The project currently does the following things.

  • Authentication
  • Upload food details
  • Search according to users need


Getting started

  1. npm install
  2. npm start

Live demo

You can find a running system to test at (

Built with

  • Node js
  • Mongodb
  • IBM Cloud


  • Janhavi Borde
  • Radhika Mundada
  • Mehul Lokhande
  • Abhishek Ove
