mehtadone / CryptoGramBot

A simple telegram bot that sends your balance updates from coinigy, send trade notifications from Poloniex and Bittrex and creates you a trade export for your own spreadsheet magicary.

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Profit n Loss not working for bittrex

markpeo opened this issue · comments

profit and loss command returns for every pair requested;
5/7/2018 6:42 PM
Profit information for 0
Average buy price: 0
Total PnL: 0 1

2018-05-07 18:42:12.031 -06:00 [Information] Send Message:
What pair do you want to find your profits on? eg BTC-DOGE
2018-05-07 18:42:16.099 -06:00 [Information] User wants to check for profit for BTC-VTC
2018-05-07 18:42:16.568 -06:00 [Information] Subscribe to symbols
2018-05-07 18:42:16.583 -06:00 [Information] SymbolStatisticsWebSocketClient.SubscribeToAsync: "wss://!ticker@arr"
2018-05-07 18:42:16.599 -06:00 [Error] SymbolStatisticsWebSocketClient.SubscribeToAsync
System.PlatformNotSupportedException: The WebSocket protocol is not supported on this platform.
at System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketValidate.ThrowPlatformNotSupportedException()
at System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketHandle.CheckPlatformSupport()
at System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket..ctor()
at Binance.Api.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.d__12.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Binance.Api.WebSocket.BinanceWebSocketClient`1.d__11.MoveNext()
2018-05-07 18:42:16.646 -06:00 [Information] Error with symbol statistic websocket Cache will be clear
2018-05-07 18:42:16.677 -06:00 [Information] Adding pnl for BTC-VTC to database
2018-05-07 18:42:16.974 -06:00 [Information] Send Message:
5/7/2018 6:42 PM
Profit information for 0
Average buy price: 0
Total PnL: 0 1

looks like it is trying to call form binance. I only have bittrex set to TRUE.
Running W7x64.