mehdichaouch / bookmarklets

My useful javascript bookmarlets

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Handmade Bookmarklets

License: MIT PRs Welcome

You can found all my bookmarklets in GitHub Gist.

To use one, you have to open it in raw, copy the url and past it in Closure Compiler Service and remove code in textarea like bellow.


Then copy minified code (in right), edit or add a bookmark, remove the url, type javascript:, then past minified code, save and enjoy 🎉.

In your url field you should have something like that


N.B. if you get some trouble with encoding, you can encode URL the minified code or directly this Bookmarklet Maker.


  • Mehdi Chaouch - Maintainer - GitHub followers


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE details.


My useful javascript bookmarlets

License:MIT License