mehcode / guerrilla

☢ Guerrilla (or Monkey) Patching in Rust for (unsafe) fun and profit.

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Thread safety?

Gerschtli opened this issue · comments

first of all, I am really amazed by this crate! But I am not able to understand, what is really going on under the hood to achieve this functionality. Therefore my first idea was to use your crate for mocking purposes in tests. Sadly, your implementation is not thread safe, reproducible example below:

extern crate guerrilla;

fn function_int() -> i32 { 1 }

fn function_str() -> &'static str { "original" }

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_int_default() {
        assert_eq!(function_int(), 1);

    fn test_int_mock_1() {
        guerrilla::patch0(function_int, || 5);
        assert_eq!(function_int(), 5);

    fn test_int_mock_2() {
        guerrilla::patch0(function_int, || 2);
        assert_eq!(function_int(), 2);

    fn test_str_default() {
        assert_eq!(function_str(), "original");

    fn test_str_mock_1() {
        guerrilla::patch0(function_str, || "mock_1");
        assert_eq!(function_str(), "mock_1");

    fn test_str_mock_2() {
        guerrilla::patch0(function_str, || "mock_2");
        assert_eq!(function_str(), "mock_2");

(Execute this a couple times to see random failures and random successful runs. Runs perfectly fine with cargo test -- --test-threads 1.)

Is it possible, to achieve thread safety? And would it be something you would like to implement? I would really appreciate it :)

Thank you!

Its doable. Just a great deal of work so not sure when I will get to it. I do want to do this.