me-no-dev / ESPAsyncWebServer

Async Web Server for ESP8266 and ESP32

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Downloaded file is freezing at 5.6kb

cacs200281 opened this issue · comments

I'm doing some tests with an esp32 board(Doit Devkit V1) and when I try to dowload files with size up to 5.5Kb everything is ok.
But when the file has a size > 5.5Kb the browser shows the attached info.
I tried using Chrome/Edge from my PC and Chrome from my cell phone.
Somebody can help me please? I'm a newbie in this area.
Thanks in advance

As you may have guessed from the long silence, the problem here is the question is lacking enough detail for the experts to help.
Attaching a COMPLETE, REPRODUCIBLE (as in "download this file, run these commands, observe this weird thing") test case vastly improves the chance of you getting meaningful help.
As it stands, we're left to kind of guess that there's some kind of memory allocation issue on one kind of original ESP32 board ( ?") that's running code that might be ESP-IDF or might be Arduino and that has a self-conflicting definition of "upload" vs "download" (what direction should the data flow? From the phone to the board, or vice versa?) running some kind of protocol (http? https? ftp? raw sockets?) with unclear baselines (if we replace the ESp32 with a Real Computer, does this test case work?) and unknown versions of everything (Arduino? ESP-IDF? Browser? Curl?) and a hundred other things.

We dont' know what you've tried, what's worked, and what's failed. We don't know if this is sent chunked or streamed. We don't know if you've read (and understood) any of the doc at at all - particularly the sections of (Send|Respond).*Large

I could keep going, but hopefully I've made the point in a way that's educational and not insulting. When you're asking for help, you're trying to catch the attention of experts that can actually help you. (Probably for free, even...) If you can jump straight to a case they can copy/paste to their board, observe that "http://board/getfoo.html is empty but ...getfoo2.html is 65,534 bytes long..." you've given them something to attach to a debugger and engage internal knowledge.

Sorry if this sounds cranky, but the load is on you to provide a good question to capture the attention of the right experts. They may be less inclined to play 'hundred questions' or worse, guess at 98 of the questions and base an answer on an "incorrect" supposition.

I may not even be able to be the one to help, but hopefully I can inspire you to ask a question that's so awesome that The Right Person will recognize it and say "oh, did you set the FROBOZZ bit?", offer a link to the doc, and you'll slap your forehead, confirm the fix, thank the responder, and close the ticket a happy person.

Good luck on your way to happiness.