mdznr / MTZRadialMenu

A radial menu for iOS, like the one introduced in Messages for iOS 8.

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Swift 3 integration:- No such module 'RadialMenu'

pkc456 opened this issue · comments

I have added below files on my swift 3project:-

  • RadialMenu

  • MTZButton

  • MTZRadialMenu

  • MTZRadialMenuItem_Private

  • MTZRadialMenuItem

When I tried to create MTZRadialMenu as:- let cameraRadialMenu : MTZRadialMenu?, then I import RadialMenu as:- import RadialMenu, But it gives me below error
No such module 'RadialMenu'

How to integrate this library in swift 3?

screen shot 2017-05-16 at 12 57 31 pm

If you're building from source directly, no need to "import RadialMenu".