mdznr / MTZRadialMenu

A radial menu for iOS, like the one introduced in Messages for iOS 8.

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RadialMenu Z-Position

mzekrallah opened this issue · comments

Hi. What a great library !

I just integrated it in JSQMessagesViewController that I ported to Xamarin and everything is great. However, when I integrated MTZRadialMenu as a view inside RightBarContainerView of JSQInputToolBar, I noticed that the grey background of the menu will be blocked by the textview and appear behind it so I fixed it like this :

  this.ContentView.TextView.Layer.ZPosition = -99;

However, I still have a problem when the menu expands into it's full position, I could never be able to touch the 'X' or 'Up' buttons .. only the stop recording button is touched .. I can however drag from the stop recording to the 'x' or 'up' button but if i release and try to click directly on 'x' or 'up', i'm actually clicking the things behind them (TextView of input or CollectionView)

I think it may be a z-position issue or something else .. Can you please help in fixing this or point me in the right direction ?

Here is how it appears in simulator :

screenshot 2015-05-27 18 13 31

and here in Reveal :

screenshot 2015-05-27 18 09 12


Hi @mdznr, can you please help or put me in the right direction to solve this ? Thanks


Hi @mdznr, i have same problem. plz help me!

Why set the text view’s z-position to be lower? Can the menu’s z position be set to be higher?