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Use spread syntax to create shallow clones

remcohaszing opened this issue · comments

Initial checklist


MDX generates JavaScript code that uses shallow copies. The ones I am aware of are defining _components and compiling JSX props. E.g.:

const _components = Object.assign(
    p: 'p',
    pre: 'pre',
    code: 'code'

IMO it’s cleaner to use spread syntax for shallow clones. E.g.:

const _components = {
  p: 'p',
  pre: 'pre',
  code: 'code',

I have some nitpicky arguments, but mostly I just personally like it better.

  1. Spread syntax exists for shallow clones
  2. Object.assign exists for shallow copying objects from one object to another. It’s still an elegant way to polyfill spread syntax for environments that don’t support it.
  3. MDX generates code with uses default a default argument. Support for this is roughly the same as for spread syntax.
  4. Spread syntax produces a slightly flatter AST.
  5. Terser can minify it better by flattening / inlining / deduping objects.


Replace Object.assign() with spread syntax.


Keep using Object.assign().


sure, PR welcome, the idea was to use code that works in most places.
Note that the assign is also used because there are multiple possible sources, it’s pretty complex if I remember correctly

Solved in GH-2328.