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<summary> is not recognized.

Levent0z opened this issue · comments

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Steps to reproduce

Go to the MDX playground and put in:

# Test

    <summary>This should be the title of the section but it's not</summary>
    Lorem Ipsum

Expected behavior

The text inside the summary should be the text of the expander.

Actual behavior

The text of the expander says "Details"


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Welcome @Levent0z! 👋
The behavior is expected.
There are some rather fine grained rules around what is considered block vs inline content in JSX.
See some recent conversations around this for more context, #2181, #2172, #2053, #2243

The issue you are running into is the same, inline vs block conflict, with a block which generates an inner paragraph.
Because there is a newline after <details> the nextline becomes a markdown block, that block by default will have a paragraph.
Which is translated to:

    <summary>This is how MDX works</summary>
    Lorem Ipsum

<summary> must be a direct child of <details> to appear.

There are a couple ways to resolve this.

Make the content a JSX expression

so that no markdown paragraph appears, using a wrapping {}

    <summary>This is how MDX works</summary>
    Lorem Ipsum

Make the content a JSX inline

<details><summary>This is how MDX works</summary>Lorem Ipsum</details>

@ChristianMurphy It works if an empty line is added after the <summary> element, right?

    <summary>This is how MDX works</summary>

    Lorem Ipsum

↓hast to YAML

type: root
- type: mdxJsxFlowElement
  name: details
  attributes: []
    _mdxExplicitJsx: true
  - type: mdxJsxFlowElement
    name: summary
    attributes: []
      _mdxExplicitJsx: true
    - type: text
      value: This is how MDX works
  - type: element
    tagName: p
    properties: {}
    - type: text
      value: Lorem Ipsum

@tats-u perhaps, define "works" 🙂
In most browsers the original:

# Test

    <summary>This should be the title of the section but it's not</summary>
    Lorem Ipsum

works without modification too.


    <summary>This is how MDX works</summary>

    Lorem Ipsum

the paragraph is moved to a different spot, but is still added.

The two examples in #2263 (comment) remove the paragraph tag entirely.

In most browsers the original:

<p> wraps not only descriptive content but also <summary> and prevents <summary> from working properly (no title is set) in Chrome and Firefox. We must take every measure to avoid it.

the paragraph is moved to a different spot, but is still added.

This behavior harms nothing and is expected one for me. As expected, <summary> is the first direct child of <details>, and injected <p>'s follow <summary>. The explanatory text in <details> is sometimes too long to be fit in a single paragraph. Also <details> itself accepts <p> as its children as descriptive content.

I expect the following use case of <details> & <summary>:

General description.

Another general description.

  <summary>Description for experts</summary>

  This description is not for newbies.

  This description satisfies only experts.

  ![Detailed description](./image.webp)
<p>General description.</p>
<p>Another general description.</p>
  <summary>Description for experts</summary>
  <p>This description is not for newbies.</p>
  <p>This description satisfies only experts.</p>
  <p><img alt="Detailed description" src="./image.webp"></p>

I don’t understand what you are looking for? If you have a question, can you put it concretely? AFAIK Details/summary works.
For general info on how MDX works, try it out, or look at the playground:

All of the solutions suggested in #2263 (comment) seem to lack versatility and hassle us when we try to cram large detailed content with many paragraphs into the <details> element.
I just want to confirm the solution of adding an empty line between <summary> and the content is also (or maybe more) useful.

Make the content a JSX expression

We have to add too many tags instead of using Markdown syntax. Also custom components don't seem to work. Terrible.

Make the content a JSX inline

The line will be tooooooooooooooooo long. It's a more terrible idea to cram a long content into a single line.

I just want to confirm the solution of adding an empty line between <summary> and the content is also (or maybe more) useful.

It depends on what you want.
All 3 ways provide different results. They are all useful in different cases.
If you know what result you want, you can pick the way to go about it.

I will go for the solution found by me in my case at this time.
Other solutions might have opportunity to be used by me in the future...