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When Text Nodes are used on the same line as a closing tag, it crashes MDX

Ayc0 opened this issue · comments

Initial checklist

Affected packages and versions

@mdx-js/mdx 2.2.1

Link to runnable example

No response

Steps to reproduce

Go to, and write this:


Expected behavior

As all of:

  • <div>
  • <div>asd</div>.
  • <div>asd

work, and as they should create the same AST, I'd expect that the input code would work too.

Actual behavior


This code throws:

  3:1-3:7  error  Expected the closing tag `</div>` either after the end of `paragraph` (3:8) or another opening tag after the start of `paragraph` (2:1)  end-tag-mismatch  mdast-util-mdx-jsx

✖ 1 error

Note: the following crashes too:



Node v16, but also just Chrome as the bug is visible in the live playground.

Package manager

As it's visible in the live playground, I don't think it's relevant.



Build and bundle tools

As it's visible in the live playground, I don't think it's relevant.


Yes. This is expected. It is ambiguous what you want to happen. The error message tells you what to do. You need to be explicit. If you want the text inside the div to be a paragraph:


If you don’t:


More info:

Sometimes (and specially due to prettier), we don't really have the choice though 😕
Like if we want to do:

<div><p>This is some fake text, it's too long on purpose <a href="/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/link">here</a> and here is the end of the text.</p></div>

This compiles properly:


But when we run this through prettier, it generates:

    This is some fake text, it's too long on purpose{" "}
    <a href="/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/link">
    </a>{" "}
    and here is the end of the text.

See playground


But this newly formatted text doesn't work anymore in MDX:

it throws this error:

  6:5-6:9  error  Expected the closing tag `</a>` either after the end of `paragraph` (7:37) or another opening tag after the start of `paragraph` (5:7)  end-tag-mismatch  mdast-util-mdx-jsx

✖ 1 error

Prettier is still catching up with MDX 2, see prettier/prettier#12209 for the ongoing discussion and progress

Prettier is still catching up with MDX 2, see prettier/prettier#12209 for the ongoing discussion and progress

I cross posted the issue in this other thread 🙇