mdx-editor / editor

A rich text editor React component for markdown

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mladen-orsolic opened this issue · comments

  • I have searched for similar issues in both open and closed tickets and cannot find a duplicate.
  • I have read the documentation and cannot find an answer.

Describe the bug
Following should not be peer dependencies :
warning cm6-theme-basic-light@0.2.0" has unmet peer dependency "@lezer/highlight@^1.0.0".
warning cm6-theme-basic-light@0.2.0" has unmet peer dependency "@codemirror/language@^6.0.0".
warning @lexical/react > @lexical/yjs@0.23.1" has unmet peer dependency "yjs@>=13.5.22".
None of them are required for MDX Editor to work (as MD editor) and i do my own styling so dont wanna be forced to load default styles.


To Reproduce

Expected behavior
No such warnings should be displayed once these are removed as peer dependencies


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. MacOS, Windows] - Any OS
  • Browser [e.g. Chrome, Safari] : N/A

Additional context

As far as I understand it, the only way to solve this reliably is to break the plugins into multiple packages. In hindsight, this is what I should have done, but back when the project started the monorepo tooling was not so good.

Let me know if I'm wrong here or that I'm missing something obvious.

Well since they are not required on the peer, they should be removed from peer dependencies in package.json, and maybe moved to dependencies.

Great - happy to accept a pr. Thanks!