mduvall / grande.js

It's a Medium at Starbucks. Pinky ring out.

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Backspace on start/empty removes wrapper tags

alexslade opened this issue · comments

You can see this on the demo page. Select everything, delete and delete again. You can now type and your text won't be formatted properly. Start a new line and you're back inside a paragraph tag.

screen shot 2014-01-12 at 13 23 54

<article class="content" contenteditable="true">
  Look ma, no tags!
    From tags to riches.

I came across the same problem and in my app I wrote this noob jquery monkeypatch to get round it:

    if (!$(this).html()) {
        var sel = window.getSelection();
        var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);

It's probably not very performant as it runs on every keyup but it's all I could come up with. It needed keyup and not keydown in order for it to work with backspace and it needed a character of some sort in the paragraph tag or it didn't want to put the caret in it.

In my app I use the rangy plugin so instead of:


I use:


for better browser compatibility when using range.

@AidanZealley Yep definitely the issue here, the cross-browser compatibility for ranges and selections is not really great - this is something that we'll have to put up with for now.