mdub / clamp

a Ruby command-line application framework

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Subcommands in the context of main command

dmgr opened this issue · comments


Would it be possible to create subcommands in the context of main command that have parsed options?

I think about something like that:

mycli --variant code subcommand

Internally I would like to load different Subcommand depend on --variant option. That variants of subcommands would have different options and parameters.

So just to sum up. My script will load different Subcommand class depends on --variant option thus main command need to parse options first then load apprioprate subcommand class.

Here is a high level pseudo code for that:

Clamp do
  option '--variant', 'CODE'

This would be trivial if I could build subcommands after the main (top-level) command have been instantiated and then I will have access to its options.


OK, currently I use workaround:

variant = nil do |opts|
  opts.on("--variant=CODE") do |v|
    variant = v

Then I have a variant and I can load specific subcommand for that variant in Clamp block.:

Clamp do
  option '--variant', 'CODE'

So, this issue is really old. Sorry I wasn't paying attention at the time. I'm not sure if this is still a need you have, after all this time.

Even if it is, it's not the kind of thing Clamp is going to provide explicit support for.

It might be possible to make it work, somehow, since:

  • Clamp do ... end is just syntax sugar for declaring a class, then creating an instance, and calling run
  • which sets properties, and calls execute
  • executing a command with sub-commands creates a new object, for the subcommand
    and so:
  • you could probably override/modify the way the sub-command object is created, based on your --variant option

Having said that, as much easier approach might be to have different sub-commands per "variant", rather than having an option, e.g. instead of

mycli --variant v1 subcommand

you'd do

mycli v1 subcommand