mdrakiburrahman / hrapp-on-confidential-cloud

An end-to-end demonstration of a Confidential Web App running on an AMD powered Confidential VM with Azure SQL, AKV mHSM and Azure Confidential Ledger.

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End-to-end Sensitive Web App - with Azure Confidential Services

An end-to-end demonstration of a Confidential Web App running on an AMD powered Confidential VM with Azure SQL, AKV mHSM and Azure Confidential Ledger.


This repository demonstrates an architectural design pattern for hosting an end-to-end Confidential Application on Azure Confidential Compute:

Architecture Diagram

Core components

All components of this architecture, including Sensitive Data, Sensitive Data Encryption Keys, Sensitive Application Logic and Sensitive Application logs - are hosted at or above the blue dotted line highlighted below:
Architecture Diagram

💡 Note: Azure also offers Intel-SGX enabled Virtual Machines that can be used to host our Sensitive Application Logic.

In this demonstration, we leverage a Confidential VM to emphasize one core point - no code changes are required of an existing application (in our case, an ASP.NET Web App) to run on an AMD Sev-SNP enabled Virtual Machine on Azure.

Live Demo

YouTube Demo



  1. Azure Confidential VM - Standard_DC2as_v4: At the time of writing, Azure CVMs are in Limited Preview and can be enabled for your subscription by filling out this form here.

    💡 For the purposes of following along, since CVM's provide a seamless deployment experience for the Web App, you can also leverage any Windows Machine available to you.

    On this machine, install the following pre-requisite components:

  2. Azure Confidential Ledger: For detailed deployment steps on ACL - please refer to the documentation here. The Python package for ACL can be found here on PyPi.

  3. Azure SQL DB deployment for ContosoHR - To quickly deploy an Azure SQL Database, Azure Key Vault and Microsot Azure Attestation while going through the steps in setting up ContosoHR Database, please refer to this article.

💡 For an automated deployment of 3 - please refer to this repository Link TBD.


We break down our setup into 3 components from the demo: Setup

1. Web App

  1. Download the code from this repo into an Azure Confidential VM with the pre-requisite components installed.

    Validate python version by using:

    python --version

    Python Version

  2. To launch the Web app, we first inject the secrets required in appsettings.json:

    # Replace .. with your Directory location
    cd "..\hrapp-on-confidential-cloud\01-contoso-web-app-asp-net\ContosoHR"
     # Replace with your SQL Server connection settings
    dotnet user-secrets set "ConnectionStrings:ContosoHRDatabase" "Data Source =; Initial Catalog = ContosoHR; Column Encryption Setting = Enabled;Attestation Protocol = AAS; Enclave Attestation Url =; User Id = your--sql--username; Password = your--sql--password"
    # Replace with a Service Principal's Credential that can read the CMK from AKV
    dotnet user-secrets set "KeyVault:clientId" "your--client--id"
    dotnet user-secrets set "KeyVault:secret" "your--client--secret"

    Setting Secrets

  3. The Web App is expecting to store Sensitive logs from the demo in D:\ContosoHR_logs. Create this folder.

    💡 If you don't have a D:\ drive, please use C:\, and update line 103.

  4. You can launch the Web App using IIS Express now and successfully connect to Azure SQL: Query Logs

    Any sensitive queries performed will be streaming to querylogs.txt: Query Logs

2. Console App: Stream to ACL using Python

  1. We start a new Python Virtual Environment via:

    # Replace .. with your Directory location
    cd "..\hrapp-on-confidential-cloud\02-acl-ledger-python"
    # Create venv
    python -m venv venv
    # Activate venv
    # Install pypi dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    # Install ACL wheel (Once available on pypi, please use pip install azure-confidentialledger instead of the .whl below)
    pip install azure_confidentialledger-1.0.0b1-py2.py3-none-any.whl

    And if you had changed the log location to C:\ drive, then change it within line 13 as well.

  2. Start the Python ACL Streaming Process:

    # python .\ clientId clientSecret tenantId ledgerID
     python .\ your--clientID your--clientSecret your--tenantId your--unique--ledger

    ACL Python App

3. SQL Extended sessions

  1. Query the table using SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Employees]

  2. To create a new Extended events session, run 02-enable-XESession-AzSQLDB.sql

  3. To intercept queries from the session, run 03-query-XEvents.sql


An end-to-end demonstration of a Confidential Web App running on an AMD powered Confidential VM with Azure SQL, AKV mHSM and Azure Confidential Ledger.


Language:CSS 87.4%Language:JavaScript 6.2%Language:C# 3.3%Language:HTML 2.0%Language:Python 0.5%Language:TSQL 0.5%