mdiep / fireproof

a static website generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fireproof is a static website generator. It's not tied to a specific type of website (like many static blog generators), but can be used to create many different types of sites.

A site is made much like a plain HTML site would be made. All your content is put in a single root directory that represents your site. The directory structure is up to you. But fireproof allows you to use custom page types for all of your textual content, using YAML for metadata and markdown for the body of the page. That content can then be rendered and filtered using templates.

When you're ready to deploy your site, invoke fireproof, and it will render your templates and copy all the content to the output directory that you specify.

An Example

Suppose you want to make a blog, which is made up of multiple entries. And you also want a home page to display links to your entries. It's pretty easy.

First, you write a sample entry and save it as /my-first-entry.entry:

title: My First Blog Entry
date:  !!timestamp 2011-04-26 11:24:00 -3

Hi Everyone! Welcome to my blog!

Metadata at the top, using YAML; content after an empty line, using markdown.

Fireproof will simply copy this as a static file until you define a template for it. The name of the template should be the page type (here entry) with the desired extension of the output, and it must be in the /templates/ directory.

We want our blog entries to be saved as .html, so we'll create a template, /templates/entry.html:

    <title>{{ entry.title }} ({{|strftime("%B %d) }})</title>
  <body>{{ entry }}</body>

Now fireproof knows to process all our .entry files as templated pages.

You probably also want to create a home page. Create an empty file, /index.home, and a template for it, templates/home.html.

In your template, you want to list out the 10 most recent entries:

  <head><title>My Site</title></head>
  {# pages() is a function provided by fireproof--documentation is provided below #}
  {% for entry in pages(site, types=['entry'], order_by=['-date'], limit=10) %}
    <li><a href='{{ entry.url }}'>{{ entry.title }}</a></li>
  {% endfor %}

Pretty simple! It's not too much harder move your entries into subdirectories based on year and month and provide archives of all your entries.

If you want to add more complicated markup for the entries—and share it between the individual pages and main index—you can move the logic into a partial template.

Create templates/_entry.html:

<h1>{{ entry.title }}</h1>
{{ entry.text }}

Now {{ entry }} will return the value of this partial template in the other templates.

If you create a partial for a page type but don't create a normal template, you can create a default template and use the value of a partial. Since all pages are pages, this default template should be called page.ext.

So create templates/page.html:

    <title>{{ page.title }} ({{|strftime("%B %d) }})</title>
  <body>{{ page }}</body>

Now templates/entry.html can be deleted.

The Site

The site object contains only one real standard property. Any other properties that you want to define can be added to a YAML file named .fireproof inside your root site directory. The properties defined in that file will be added directly to the site object. This is handy for some values, like the site's title, author, and URL.

Standard Properties

  • directory

The directory on disk where the site is found.

  • url

This property is not defined by fireproof, but it is recommended that you define it.


Pages follow a simple format on disk: YAML, followed by an empty line, and a markdown body. The body is optional. Any properties defined in the YAML will be added directly to the page object.

In templates, Pages stringify to their text property.

Standard Properties

  • absolute_url

    The absolute URL of the page. This is a combination of and page.url, so if you want to use it, you need to define a url for the site.

  • directory

    The directory on the site that contains the output for the page.

  • file

    The name of the output file, relative to the output directory.

  • path

    The path of the file on disk that the page is created from, relative to the site directory.

  • site

    The site object that the page belongs to.

  • tag

    A Atom-style tag URI for the page, created for use in Atom feeds.

  • text

    The HTML (markdown-converted) content of the page.

  • type

    The page type of this page. Fer my-first-post.entry, this would equal entry.

  • url

    The URL of the page in the form /foo/bar.baz.


Templates are created using Jinja2. You can go look at their documentation for template designers, as it all applies directly to fireproof.

Of course, fireproof provides some items of its own for you to use.



The site that the current page is a part of. See the documentation above for more information about sites.

page (or page-type)

The current page. It is available both as page and as the same name of your page type. So for my-new-blog.entry, entry would be a synonym for page. See the documentation above for more information about pages.


The current time, which can be formatted with strftime.


pages(site, types=[], directory=None, limit=None, order_by=[])

This is the main workhorse of fireproof. It returns a list of page objects that match the parameters.

  • site is the Site object that is present on every page
  • types is a list of your custom defined page types
  • directory limits the search to pages from a certain directory
  • limit will limit the number of pages that are returned
  • order_by specifies the sort order for the objects that are returned. It is a list of attributes from the page objects. Including a - at the beginning of the key will reverse the order. Pages will be sorted by the first key and any ties will be broken by subsequent keys.

If you had a normal blog setup, with separate directories for each year and subdirectories for each month that contain the actual entries, you could display all the posts in a year or month for an archive page like so:

{% for p in pages(site, types=['post'],, order_by=['-date']) %}
    <li>{{ p.title }}</li>
{% endfor %}

You could show the 10 most recent posts for a the homepage like so:

{% for p in pages(site, types=['post'], limit=10, order_by=['-date']) %}
    <li>{{ p.title }}</li>
{% endfor %}



This filter formats dates in the format specified by RFC 3339. This was added specifically for generating Atom feeds.

{{ | rfc3339 }}


The strftime function, provided by Python's datetime module, is provided as a filter for formatting dates. Refer to the official strftime documentation for more information on how to use it.

{{ | strftime("%B %d") }}


Add more ways to ignore files, using a Site property and .gitnore

Add a notion of drafts

Add a template function to retrieve other types of files, like images

Add examples

Make the template directory configurable

Support for sites that don't exist at the domain root


A way to add tags


a static website generator


Language:Python 100.0%