mdhiggins / ESP8266-HTTP-IR-Blaster

ESP8266 Compatible IR Blaster that accepts HTTP commands for use with services like Amazon Echo

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"ESP-{BOARDID}" Wi-Fi Network Broadcast Continues After Setup

PicoMitchell opened this issue · comments


I mentioned this issue in #306 but since it's unrelated I've opened a new issues. Now, I think I've figured out why this was happening and how to solve/avoid it.

I'm not sure exactly why this occurred on my board, but I think this is because of WiFi mode persistence settings in WiFiManger. Seems like possibly WIFI_AP_STA got set on my board somehow and then persisted after setupWifi.

As a solution, adding WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); after // if you get here you have connected to the WiFi seems to solve this issue for me. OR, adding WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); before the WiFiManager wifiManager; may be a better solution so that STA mode gets persisted by WiFiManager on its own.

So, I'm not sure if this was really caused by ESP8266-HTTP-IR-Blaster in the first place, but thought you may want to know how to easily avoid it for any other users. A lot is going on in WiFiManger and ESP8266-HTTP-IR-Blaster and I'm not certain there would be no other consequences to adding this line. Or, there may be a better place to add this line or a better way to solve this altogether.

I'll add that line and test it out, I suspect it will probably be ok and resolve the issue


Adding in both locations may be a better solution. I'm feeling about done with fiddling with this for now, but I just saw a case where my specified wifi_config_name continued to be broadcast after Wi-Fi was connected when I only had WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); before the WiFiManager wifiManager;.

Want to drop a pull request for your changes and I'll take a look?


Will do. I'll come back to this after a break. Think I'll do a bit more investigating first.

When logging WiFi.getMode() I was seeing that WIFI_AP_STA was still being preserved by WiFiManager after setting WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); after // if you get here you have connected to the WiFi.

That made it seem like there should be a better place to put WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); so that WiFiManager would preserve it properly on its own. But, putting it before WiFiManager wifiManager; didn't seem to work like I thought it would.


Seems like putting WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); before WiFiManager wifiManager; is the way to go. The STA mode variable does get preserved properly by WiFiManager that way.

wifi_config_name continuing to be broadcast after Wi-Fi was connected was a false positive, it just continues to stay visible to my computer for a bit (but cannot be connected to) and then goes away properly.

Merged, gonna close this for now thanks for checking this out